I really love working with clients on their hormone health – specifically thyroid, adrenal and ovarian hormones of estrogen and progesterone. I see a lot of women, in their late 30s to early 60s, that are complaining about sleeplessness, short periods or too frequent periods, hot flashes, weight gain, low energy, and low libido. So, when combining my problem-solving nature, with my interest in natural remedies, and my desire to enable women to manage their health issues out of their kitchen or through natural remedies — I’m in my happy place.
Take Wild Yam for instance. Yams are available in the produce section of the grocery store, they are highly nutritious, and provide the body raw materials to create progesterone. The number of women in this culture that have, or are concerned with estrogen dominance (aka too much estrogen when compared to progesterone), I believe would simply benefit by starting to eat more yams. I, myself tend toward being estrogen dominant, and the minute I add yams to my diet (yes, with brown sugar and pecans) during the second half of my cycle when progesterone should be higher, I’ve experienced my cycle lengthen to the expected 28 days rather than 26 or 27 days.
Interesting story regarding sweet potatoes (close relative of yams) from the Blue Zones research. Blue Zones are the handful of places on earth in which their residents live to be 100+ years old. One of the Blue Zones is in Japan (Okinawa) and they highlight how long these Okinawan women live and how few get breast cancer (despite eating soy which is a phytoestrogen). Interestingly, when the Blue Zone researchers studied their diet, Okinawan women eat sweet potatoes as a main staple of their diet.
This is just a small example to illustrate that there are simple, subtle tools available to us to manage our hormone struggles naturally. I really enjoy sharing these tips and tricks in a very tactical way. I am very committed to helping my clients understand how the body works and what natural remedies are available to support the above symptoms and frustrations. I’ve written a short book, Hormone Health – Naturally, to try to outline tactical tools, at-home testing, and different remedy suggestions if you’re starting to notice hormone symptoms of your own. I believe natural health remedies are the most conservative, inexpensive and effective first step you can take if you begin to notice shifts in your hormones.
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